10 questions to reflect for a successful 2013

aprilie 30, 2013


„Serving without reflecting is like eating without digesting”- Edmund Burke

Today’s December 1st 2012. Happy birthday, Romania!

Since 2010 I practice the reflection method. I open o blank file in my computer and during 10 minutes I write all thoughts that cross my mind in that day. Believe me, it really works and helps me to keep my mental clarity. Would you like to have a  mental clarity, to follow your objectives and to be successful?

Here’s what I suggest :  take 10 minutes  of every day left of 2012 to reflect  at these 10 questions of life that  guarantee you a successful 2013. Now is the right moment. You have a month to draw your success for 2013.

  • Where am I in this moment of my life/career?

  •  Where do I want to get in 2013?

  • Which is my personal mission?

  • Which are the 5 obstacles that hold me still?

  • Who am I?

  • Can I do what I I’ve proposed myself? Do I want? Do I deserve?

  • Am I ready to take risks in 2013?

  • Am I ready to quid my comfort zone to reach my goals in 2013?

  • What do I do if I mistake in 2013?

  • I propose myself to practice every day of 2013 this successful formula : WORK + PLAY + KEEP MY MOUTH SHOUT = SUCCESS

It’s  all up to you! I am at your service if you feel somebody to support/coach you.  Good luck!

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