In September 2012 I had the honor to talk to the participants of PC WORLD IT Summer Camp (5th edition) about how to sell yourself.
Read below what has been written about my presentation:
“The morning started with the conference focused on the concept of Personal Branding, supported by Mihaela Stroe.
According to the definition, this summarize a complex of intangible elements which grow the person’s value, as a result of the perceptions created in other’s minds upon the interactions with them. Not at all complicated!
Actually, nothing more simple : all our actions take us to the most valuable product we own forever – ourselves!
This is why the main coefficient that matters, no matter the context we find ourselves, is Credibility.
A scientific proven fact is that in the moment of the first interaction with another person, we have only 4 (yes, only 4!) seconds to transmit a credible and favorable image about us.
In this case, our resources are: our psysical appearance, our position, our gestures, our facial expressions – as you figured it out, the verbal component is not prioritary.
Mihaela told us about the differences between manipulation and influence, the latter being the winning option in any situation…”
For me, it was a great experience! Thank you, PC WORLD and all participants!