Influence start with ..YOU!

mai 13, 2013


In my opinion, influence is the ability that every person can use to inspire others  and to determine them to take action!

Without influence we have no action. Without action we have no results.

In December 2012 I held a workshop at Bucharest Business Days event about  “Influence starts with you!”. There I have talked about  several nonverbal elements which can inspire you to act:

  1. Clothes
  2. Interpersonal distance
  3. Touch
  4. Time
  5. Attitude

Watch this video from this workshop:

And I have a challenge for you: Which nonverbal element (from clothes, interpersonal distance, touch, time and attitude) have the greatest power for influecing other people? And in which context?

Wait below your comments.

Enjoy, Mihaela


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