Do you use your inner motivation?

mai 13, 2013

Dear friends,

In the last 10 days I’ve met and talked to over 1000 people at the conferences from Bucharest and Brasov where I was invited to be a speaker. A wonderful experience!

I’ve talked about one of the natural and universal laws : the law of using! This law say : what you do not use, you lose.

Here’s my challenge : are you using your inner motivation? Because if you do not use it daily, you lose it!

To help you, I offer you 2 solutions (it depends on you if you use them or not, I am doing my job to tell them to you!):

1. Read the book „Motivation – a way to special performances” (written by Zig Zigler and Jum Savage, edited at Business Tech)

2. Answer honestly to the following 5 questions :

a. Which is your WHY?

b. What makes you get out of the bed every morning?

c. What inspire you?

d. What make you act?

e. What passionate you the most?

You can send me an email with your answers (if you want) at the address : [email protected]. I will carefully read them and hope to help you. It’s all up to you!

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